Tracking Deposits

Tracking Deposits is important so that you can always know into which Bank Account and when a Payment has been deposited.

First you need to create one or more Bank Accounts. 
Click here for details on managing Bank Accounts. 
To see your deposits, click Transactions > Deposits on the Main Menu.
To create a new Deposit, click the New  button to create a new Deposit.
  • Account: The Bank Account this deposit is being made into. The Bank Account in the deposit list will be selected by default.
  • Date: The date of the deposit.
  • Number: The deposit number. This can be set to automatically increment to the next number. This setting is in the Bank Account details. This is optional and can be left blank.
  • Note: A note about this deposit. Optional.
  • Payment List: This is a list of undeposited payments. Check or Uncheck payments to add or remove them from this Deposit. The Total Deposit amount and Item Count (bottom right) are updated accordingly.

    Some points about the Payment List:
    • List Sorting: You can sort the list in Date or Method order by clicking on the Date or Method column header. Clicking on the header a second time will sort in in descending order.
    • List Filtering: You can filter the list by date range or Method by clicking on the Date or Method icon and entering the criteria.  
    • Department Filtering: If the selected Bank Account is associated with a specific Department (in the Bank Account Details), only Payments in that department will show up in the list.
    • Ignoring Payments: If there is a payment on this list that is not going to be deposited at all, you can click the Ignore Payment button . This will hide the payment.
      You can show ignored payments by clicking the "Show Ignored" check box. Payments that are flagged as "Ignored" will have a "Un-ignore" button which can be used to remove the "Ignored" flag on that payment. Ignored payments cannot be selected to be deposited until they are un-ignored.
When done selecting payments, click Save. The deposit is now entered to the Deposit List.
Deposit List
When viewing the Deposit List, you are always looking at a specific Bank Account.
In the above screenshot, the "Main" account is showing. Click the down arrow to choose a different Bank Account.
The Deposit List shows you the following fields:
  • Date: The date of the deposit, which might be different than the date of the Payment.
  • Amount: The total amount of all payments deposited.
  • Items: The number of items (payments) in this deposit.
  • Number: The Deposit number. When set to Auto Next, it is automatically generated whenever you enter a Deposit.
  • Note: A note entered on the deposit.
List Actions:
  • Lock / Unlock: When locked, Payments in this deposit cannot have their amount Edited, or a warning will show. Deposits are locked by default. You can toggle the lock status of a deposit by clicking the lock icon.
  • Expand / Collapse: You can click this button to show details of the deposit without having to edit the deposit details.
  • Report: Clicking this button gives you a choice of two quick reports.
    • Deposit Slip: A list of all Payments in the deposit. This is useful to take to the bank when making an actual deposit in person. It will also include the Account Number.
    • Deposit Report. A more detailed report of the payments totaled by Subcategory. This is useful for your accounting purposes.
  • Edit: Click Edit if you want to edit the details of the deposit, including choosing payments.
  • Delete: This will delete the deposit record from the Bank Account, but will not delete the payments associated with the deposit.
  • QuickBooks: Click this button to automatically create this deposit in your QuickBooks. If any details of the deposit are not mapped yet, you'll be presented with a page to map those items before the deposit is created. 
    See QuickBooks Integration for more details.