Custom Invoice Stationery

Use your own stationery for invoices

Here are the steps to set this up.
Create your PDF file
Create a PDF file which has your letterhead (and footer).
Because the invoice will utilize the full width of the page, this file should not have information along the side. Just top and bottom.
Upload your PDF file
  1. Click Settings > Transactions > PDF Templates
  2. View Pledge type
  3. Click the New button (+).
  4. Enter a Name (Invoice Template), upload the PDF File, and specify top and bottom margins.
  5. Click Save.
Associate this template with a Pledge Letter.
  1. Click Settings > Transactions > Letters
  2. Click the New button (+).
  3. Choose "Pledge" as the Letter Type,
  4. Enter the following additional information:
    Letter Name ("Invoice"), From Name, From Email, Subject, Email Body.
    Click PDF Text and choose the Letter Template you created (Invoice Template).
  5. Optionally enter an invoice note.
    This note will show up on the bottom of the invoice.
  6. Click Save for PDF Settings and then click Save for the Letter.
That's all for the setup. Now, whenever you enter a bill you can select the pledge letter you created.
When generating an invoice, it will have your custom template you created, along with the defaults for From Name and Email, Email Subject and Body, and invoice note.

Note: If you don't select a letter for the bill, the resulting invoice will have a standard letterhead with information taken from your Department.
Defaults for From Email, From Name, Email Subject. Email Body and Invoice Note will be taken from the global settings under Settings > Invoice Options.
Here is a sample of what your invoice can look like using custom stationery.