Assigning Categories to Families

See this KB for setting up your Categories.
There are different ways to assign categories to a family. 

Individual Updates

From within a Family
  • When viewing a Family click the Categories tab to see a list of the categories currently assigned to this Family.
  • The Categories list on the right side will also highlight those that are already assigned
  • Check a category (or many) in the list to add more details to the category assignment such as start/end dates or a note.
  • You can select multiple categories from this list and delete or edit them using the Delete and Edit buttons. Deleting in this context means you are un-assigning this family from the selected categories.
  • You can also use the Category list on the right side to quickly check and/or uncheck a category to assign and un-assign.
From the Category List on the Main Menu
When viewing the list of Categories on the Main Menu, select any category and click the + button to add a Family to this category.

Bulk Updates

Using Criteria on the Contact Report
You can choose from various criteria and assign (or unassign) contacts to (or from) a category.
For example, you can assign all families who have donated to your end-year campaign to the "Recent Donors" category. Or all families who live outside your state to a "Out of Town" category. 
  1. In the Contact report window, select criteria as needed and click Next.
  3. Choose the category to update and choose if you are updating to Yes or No (yes=assigned, no=unassigned).
  4. Click UPDATE.
Details on generating a contact report will be covered in a different KB Article.
Viewing a Category and Selecting
You can a list of Families in an existing Category, and then select which Families should be added.
  1. Click Categories on the Main Menu
  2. Select the Category you want to view
  3. Check or Uncheck Families manually.
  5. Choose the category to update and choose if you are updating to Yes or No.
  6. Click UPDATE