Year End Letters

After the setup and configuration of your PDF Template and Letter (see below), follow these steps to generate your year-end letters.
  1. On the Main Menu, click Batch Letters and create a new Batch (click +).
  2. Choose "Year End" as the Letter Type
  3. For "What to generate" choose Email or PDF. 
    Choosing Email will give you an option if the email should be HTML, PDF Attachment, or Both.
  4. In the Filters section:
    • Choose your Year End Letter.
    • Uncheck "Payments that are not checked as Sent"
    • Choose Date Range (e.g. 1/1/2023- 12/1/2023)
    • You may also choose other filters such as limit to Categories and more.
  5. Click 'Generate Batch'. This will bring up a list of Names and Total Amounts.
  6. Finish by clicking 'Generate PDF' or 'Generate Emails' 
Steps for creating a PDF Template.
Because a year-end letter includes the Transaction List which stretches the full width of the page, and does not have a single receipt stub (as a regular thank-you letter has) you will most likely need to create a new PDF Template (unless you have one for year-end in the past).
  • Click Settings > Transaction Module | Setup Module
  • Click PDF Templates
  • Click the + (new) button
  • Type a Name (e.g. Year End)
  • On the page tab, click PDF Template and select the template you want to use. The template should not include a receipt stub and should not have a sidebar).
  • Set any other options on the various tabs (Text, Address, Date)
    Note: signature has not been implemented for year-end pdf.
  • Click Save.
Steps for setting up your Letter
  • Click Settings > Transaction Module | Setup Module
  • Click Letters
  • Click the + (new) button.
  • Choose  "Year End" as the Letter Type and fill in the other fields at the top (Letter Name, From email, etc.)
  • Type the Letter text. This is the text that would show up in the body of the email. This can include fields such as {{Salutation}} and {{TotalAmount}} and {{TransactionList}}.
    (Change: You can now use {{TranactionList}} in the body of the emali).
  • Click PDF Settings
    • Choose the PDF Template (Year End) you created above.
    • Type the PDF Body text. This is the text of the letter that will be used in your PDF. This can contain fields as well, including the {{TransactionList}} field.
  • Click Save to the PDF Settings, and click Save to the Letter.